In continuation of "Morning Music Walks with Andrea", here are a few more concerts I would suggest listening to: through Carnegie Hall, New York you can look forward to a concert of Native American and African American compositions for the piano played by a pianist who has been on my radar in the past, Italian pianist Emanuele Arciuli. It will take place on Friday, April 16th at 7:00pm. Another will be a work by Olivier Messiaen, "Quartet for the End of Time", written by Messiaen during his internment in a concentration camp and first performed in that camp in 1941. My earliest recording of this work was by Tashi, made up of a favorite pianist, Peter Serkin, who passed away last year. This piece is hailed by The New Yorker as "the most ethereally beautiful music of the 20th century". Listen on Tuesday, April 20th at 7:00pm and let me know what you think!
And, have you signed up for free concerts in Wigmore Hall, London yet? I have happily watched SO many amazing concerts recorded in Wigmore over the past months....please do yourself a favor and sign on to watch! I link Wigmore here for next Monday, April 12th when the great Imogen Cooper gives a piano recital!
Now, let me know what YOU have been listening to?!!