I promised that I would make effort to update this Blog as often as I can during these "Stay at Home" days! My own email has been flooded with listening, watching reading suggestions involving music: I begin to share some of my thoughts here! Pop critics from around the world offer suggestions of what to listen to for a pick-me-up in this Podcast from the NY Times....... and from that same paper, a lovely article about a new recording by the pianist Vikingur Olafsson that comes out on March 27th called Debussy Rameau. This album, which I will look forward to hearing, explores the connection between these two composers across the centuries. I am constantly fascinated how musicians plan recital programs, new album material, etc. as this is something that I absolutely adore doing myself (re. recent my recitals exploring Schubert "inspirations" and piano music devoted to water reference. Remind me to tell you about other "collaborations" I have in mind!!
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